
Magic Nodes is an extension to allow node-compositing inside of After Effects. This documentation provides information on how Magic Nodes works and a complete description of each of its features.

Supported Versions:

Version 2.0.0. Magic Nodes is compatible starting from After Effects 2017 (Windows and Mac).


Nodes represent the basic block of any composite. A composite consists of multiple nodes connected together that allow you to manipulate and process your images. This results in a node graph that you can easily manipulate and organize to create stunning shots.

Nodes in After Effects

Except for dot nodes, each node in the graph corresponds to a layer in After Effect's layer stack. Thus, creating a node in the node graph will automatically create a layer in the corresponding After Effects' composition.

Nodes and layers are linked together in such a way that editing the node graph has a direct impact on the correponding After Effects' layer stack.

Example: editing the name of a node will rename the corresponding After Effects' layer. Deleting a node will remove the corresponding layer from the composition etc. (more on this in the "Interacting with nodes" section)

Types of nodes

Node Description Look
Solid Corresponds to an After Effects' solid layer (white by default)
Merge Blends multiple inputs through blending modes and track mattes. The available blending modes and track mattes are the same as After Effects' ones.

Merge nodes have three inputs, one for the background, one for the foreground, and one for a track matte. First, the background is processed, then the foreground is applied, and finally the track matte. As a result, the track matte is applied to the result of the background and foreground composite.

Merge nodes contain special effects called Layer Composite. These effects allow multiple layers to be composited within a single layer, and thus makes node compositing possible in After Effects. Three Layer Composite effects are automatically added to a merge node, one for each input.
FX Allows to add and group effects to your composite.
Although you can add effects to any node, FX nodes allow a better understanding of your compositing process.
Example: users may want to group all the color correction related effects inside of an FX node, so they can easily be spotted on the node graph.
Like the merge nodes, a Layer Composite effect is automatically added to a FX node.
Footage Refers to an image, video or sequence of images imported in the After Effects project.
Composition Corresponds to an After Effects' composition.
Dot Improves the readability of the node graph by bending connection paths between nodes. A dot node does not alter the input image.
Graph Corresponds to a Magic Nodes graph that has been imported into the current graph (see section "Graphs List Panel").

Adding Nodes

Nodes can be added directly with the toolbar on the left side of the screen or using shorcuts (see section "Shortcuts Summary").
The toolbar lets users import footage or compositions into the node graph, create solid nodes, merge nodes and FX nodes.

Interacting with nodes

Viewer option

Each node has a viewer option. When activated, it displays the render output of this node, and thus, the composite of the graph up to this node. This option allows to easily visualize in one click the result of the composite at any step of the graph.

Only one node of the graph can have the viewer option activated at any time.

To activate the viewer option on a node, do one of the following:

  • Click on the little square at the top right of a node.
  • Select a node and press 1
When activated, the viewer option will glow yellow.

Selecting nodes

Clicking on a node automatically selects the corresponding After Effect's layer, allowing you to perform all common operations on it (add effects, transform etc)

To select multiple nodes, do one of the following:

  • Click on an empty space and drag to encompass all the nodes that need to be selected.
  • Press SHIFT and click on all the nodes that need to be selected.
  • Press Ctrl/Cmd+A to select all the nodes in a graph.

Editing nodes

When hovering a node, a menu appears on top. It contains 3 options:

Option Description
Edit Changes the name of the node and its size/duration/frames per second when applicable (only for solids, compositions or footage). For solids and node groups, you can also edit the corresponding color.
Editing any of these properties also affects the corresponding After Effects' layer.
Duplicate Clones the node (also duplicates the corresponding After Effects' layer).
Delete Removes the node from the node graph (also removes the corresponding After Effects' layer)

Connecting/Disconnecting nodes

To connect nodes, do one of the following:

  • Drag the output of one node into the input of another node
  • Select the nodes you want to connect and press K
  • Click on a node and press M to automatically connect the node to a new merge node, or F to automatically connect the node to an FX node

To disconnect nodes, do one of the following:

  • Click on the connection path that binds two nodes. The path will disappear and unbind the nodes
  • Click on the end of the path (the input of the node the path is connected to)
  • Select the nodes that need to be disconnected and press Ctrl/Cmd+K

Cloning nodes

When cloning nodes, Magic Nodes duplicates the corresponding After Effects' layers, as well as the connections between the nodes. Thus, if you clone a subgraph, you obtain an exact copy of the original subgraph.

To clone one or multiple nodes, do one of the following:

  • For one node: click on the duplicate button of the menu that appears when hovering the node
  • For one or multiple nodes: select all the nodes that need to be cloned, and press Ctrl/Cmd+D

Disabling and deleting nodes

Disabling nodes allows you to bypass the impact of a node in the pipeline.
To disable or re-enable a node, select the node and press D. After being disabled, a node will have a striped look :

To delete a node, do one of the following:

  • Hover a node and click on the cross button (in the menu that appears on top of the node)
  • Click on a node and press Delete on your keyboard.

Navigating inside the node graph

Magic Nodes offers a couple of ways of navigating inside of the node graph.


To pan the graph, press Shift, click on an empty space of the graph, and drag the mouse pointer over the workspace.


To zoom in/out, move the mouse pointer over the area you want to zoom in/out, and use the mouse wheel.

Node groups

Nodes can be gathered using nodes groups. It adds a background box behind the nodes that visually group them:

You can set a title and choose a color for the group using the edit button on the top right of the box. Below are listed all the interactions with node groups:

Action Description
Add a node group Use Ctr/Cmd+drag to create and extend the area you want to be covered with the group.
Resize a node group Click on the resize icon on the bottom right of the box, and drag to resize.
Rename Click on the Edit button (on the top right of the box) and click on the current name section to rename the group.
Change the color Click on the Edit button (on the top right of the box) and click on the color section to pick a new background color.
Delete a node group Click on the Delete button (on the top right of the box).
Moving a group and the nodes contained within it Click in an empty space inside of the node group and drag it
Moving a group without moving the nodes contained within it Ctrl/Cmd + click in an empty space inside of the node group and drag it
Add a node into the group Move the node inside of the group or extend the group to overlay the node
Remove a node from the group Move the node outside of the box, or shrink the group to uncover the node.

Graphs list panel

Starting from v2, Magic Nodes offers a way for creating multiple node graphs inside of an After Effects project file.

The side panel on the right side of the Magic Nodes window allows you to create and browse all the graphs in the current project file:

To open the side panel, click on the little icon on the top right of the window:

Creating and browsing graphs

The panel lists all the graphs that were created within this After Effects project.

To create a new graph, do one of the following:

  • Click on the little + icon, on top of this side panel. A new graph will automatically be added to the list and will be in focus.
  • If an After Effects project file does not contain a node graph yet, creating a node of any type will automatically create a new graph.

To select a graph, just click on the item in the list you desire, and the graph will automatically be loaded.

An item in the list can also be dragged into the current graph. This will create a particular node that contains the result of the corresponding graph:

Graph settings

The settings of each graph can be edited through the little edit icon:

Input Description
Name The current title of the graph.
Width The current width (in pixels) of the viewer.
Height The current height (in pixels) of the viewer.
Framerate The current number of frames per second of the viewer.
Duration The current total number of frames for this graph.

The panel contains a button to delete the graph. Use it with caution!


Shortcut Description
Ctrl+I Imports a footage (composition, image, sequence of images or video)
Ctrl+Y Creates a solid node (same shortcut as After Effects)
F Creates an FX node
M Creates a merge node
1 Activates the render output of this node
Backspace or Delete Deletes the node
Ctrl+A Selects all the nodes
D Disables a node
K Connects two selected nodes
Ctrl+K Disconnects two selected nodes